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Sunday, March 6, 2011

taipei backpackers

so now i'm in my new hostel, taipei backpackers. i  love this place. there’s a nice tv that plays american movies, there’s all the hot water i want, a little kitchen, free wifi, a nice room with a bed (6 beds but who’s counting).  it’s all about lowering your least there aren't 6 people. yet.

i  have a roommate from canada, and apparently a new one since I left this morning. i don’t know anything about him because he’s passed out in the bed under mine (which is a terrible place, these beds make tons of noise, seriously there were 4 other beds).

dibs on top bunkthere are also other kids that show up every once in a while. this guy named gill gave me the phone number of a recruiter who’s legit and will find you a good job. she costs about $11,000 (US$360) but when i think about the amount of time and stress and what percentage of my earning that is, it seems like a pretty good deal.

edit: new roommate’s name is something like mook and i think he’s japanese.

the square by where i livei've spent the last couple days wandering around the ximen area getting used to my new home. there are like a million high schoolers here all the time. tons of shops, stalls, food, theaters, and street performers.  it’s great.

i actually went to see a movie last night, the king’s speech. it was really good! they show movies in english with chinese subtitles, so that’s nice. i also made friends with a fire dancer who gave me tips about teaching here and recommended a couple schools. actually i need to go facebook that kid.

let’s add a new segment today - social gaffes:
1) misunderstanding how buses work and trying to pay at the wrong times
2) not realizing that there are seat numbers on movie theater tiickets. had to move 4 times before i figured it out.
3) a wide variety of table manners mistakes, including eating out of a bowl without lifting it up, lifting up a bowl wrong, and asking to be passed something instead of reaching. so there are differences.
4) tipping when it’s unnecessary and unwanted
i guess that’s it so far. they’re very embarrassing when they happen.

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