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Friday, March 11, 2011

reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

if you didn’t hear, japan got hit with an 8.9 earthquake yesterday or so and got hit with a devastating tsunami, a gigantic wave that killed some people and caused massive property damage.

i only heard about it a while ago because i slept through it.  there were no shocks here, no shaking, no anything.  there was a warning for a tsunami, but i' on the west coast and safe from that kind of thing, and more importantly, i think we only got hit with a 13 inch wave.  so just an fyi, kevin’s still here, still alive, still reporting.

more updates as events warrant.


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're alive!! I decided to watch all of the footage of damage done before checking on you (won't do that again)- terrifying! Stay safe and keep feeling better!

  2. I'm glad that you're following my orders of "don't die." That was a very important request and I expect you to try to honor it to the best of your ability!

  3. Well that's good! I was a bit worried for a while there :)
